Friday, April 26, 2013

Wish I Was Here.....sigh.....

Today is my day the pesky running-around stuff done earlier and now Bob and I are just hanging out in the stamp room contemplating what class to take in the Fall.  I don't want to take anything too difficult with too much homework (and hopefully with NO dreaded presentations OR group projects), it would be nice if it fulfilled some sort of requirement but I wouldn't be crushed if it were only for "fun".  Only a couple of classes to go before the Final in my current class and then a couple of months of summer freedom before the homework grinds sets in again.

Heidi and I are seriously thinking of trying to do the craft fair at work this year....our card stash is pretty much non-existent so that means we've got to get hopping on the card-making NOW.  Hmmmm, that might be good for the ol' bloggeroony too...............  Oh, I've been busy, and some of it has been with stamping's just that I can't unveil any of it just yet.........I know, I know it's all very mysterious!!

Well it's early enough to get SOMETHING done in the stamp room - Bob is curled up for his early-afternoon nap and The 2 B's are out and about for a few hours...........aaaaaahhhh - the kitters and I just love having the house all to ourselves for a bit.

Have a terrific weekend!