At this point...
The features I do understand and know how to operate are keeping me pretty amused - for example, never before have I ever been able to get a photo of Bob THIS close....this clearly.....AND with him having his eyes open!
Actually even when his eyes are closed, you can STILL tell what he is: (Obviously I'm a handsome devil - that's what I am....)
And now he's heard the "click"....
And he simply wants to know what I'm doing......(AGAIN with that stupid pink rectangle thing Kathy??? - Really, REALLY???)
He's a good boy in humoring me......(Well of course I humor you.....I'm certainly not going to scoop my own litter-box.......I need you around for those mundane tasks!)
Unfortunately we've run into a major dry spell as far as card-making goes....oh, we'll make a set or two here and there but there's just not the excitement or passion there once was. Could be that I've turned that toward other crafting endeavors but more likely than not - I think I'm just burnt out on the whole card-making for a profit thing. And HA - that's a laugh - as if we've EVER actually made a profit!! But (for me at least), it's come down to feeling more like a JOB, something that I feel that I HAVE to do - and well, that makes it a lot less fun........
Lately I've made a couple of cards for special b-days (and nope, didn't even think about taking a photo - even with my cool new phone!!) and that was fun but it was fun because it didn't feel like a JOB - like it didn't HAVE to be done (which technically it did 'cause well, they were b-day cards....needed by a certain date and all). We've got a craft fair looming (and I do mean LOOMING) ....and I've got to get my stamping butt into gear but with each weekend that passes I find myself oh-so busy doing OTHER things (pretty much ANYTHING else - good grief I've even glommed onto watching T.V. shows for pity sake... all in my avoidance of stamping) yep, pretty much everything/anything else EXCEPT for stamping.....sigh....
Oh, I'll get my sets of cards done because I'm in a partnership but those cards won't be made with a whole lot of fun nor joy or enthusiasm and I'm a bit afraid that will be reflected in the end product......but they WILL get done. After the craft fair, we'll need to re-visit our plans and goals - I know that mine have definitely changed.
But ok, life goes and so will I - not sure what will end up landing on the ol' bloggeroony - and if it's not your cup of tea, I totally get it and sorry to disappoint - but there are TONS of other card-making blogs out there - I know you'll find something...
Bob and I thank you for your time - we hope we've given you a good idea every now and again. Create & Enjoy and spread that happiness around - use your talents for good!!
Toodles for now........
Kathy & Bob